... and other BCS literature
Biblical Creation was published by the Biblical Creation Society from its inception until 1986, when it was replaced by Origins. The `Contents' listed below is not exhaustive, but identifies the main articles and reviews in each issue.
Issues number 1-4, 14, 16 & 18 are all out of print. All the remaining issues are available at 0.50 Pounds Sterling each. Please order using the BCS publications order form.
February 1980 (5)- Genesis Questions 2: Toledoth - D Alexander.
- `The Genesis Flood' in Perspective - D A Carson.
- Creation and Botany - Ieuan Davies.
- The Unity & Harmony of Genesis 1 to 3 - Nigel Cameron.
- Earth History & the New Global Tectonics - David J Tyler.
- Teaching Science in a Christian Perspective - John C Sharp.
- The Hebrew & Babylonian Creation Narratives - Michael C Buss.
- Creation in the News - Nigel Cameron.
- Do We need Parent-controlled Schools? - David Silverside.
- Floating Forests on Firm Grounds - Joachim Scheven.
- `Brighter Views of His Glory': Calvinism & Science - John Sharp.
- Immanuel Velikovsky - David J Tyler.
- Establishment Science & the British Museum - David J Tyler.
- Nature's Bondage & Deliverance - David Watts.
- Haemoglobin & the Chemistry of Blood - Terry Hamblin.
- The Teaching of Evolution and Creation - J H John Peet.
- The Early History of Israal & its Neighbours - John J Bimson.
- On the Big Bang Theory of Creation - J B Griffiths.
- Life Support Factors in Genesis One - Gerald Duffett.
- Withycombe Barton Field Study Centre - David Rivers & David J Tyler.
- God's Revelation in Nature - David Watts.
- Editing Mechanisms in Biological Information Transfer - Grant Lambert.
- Creationism in Germany - J H John Peet.
- Let God be True - M G Matthews.
- Philip Henry Gosse, 1810 to 1888 - David L Pott.
- Thinking Again About Adam - Bruce F Baker.
- The Reality of Heaven - David Watts.
- Thinking Again About Fossils - David J Tyler.
- The Orchid Bee - Bucket Orchid Relationship - Grant Lambert.
- Creation & Conservation I - Richard A Russell.
- Isochrons & Pseudo-concordance in Radiometric Dating - J H John Peet.
- Thinking Again About Dinosaurs - Brian Newton
- The Biblical Doctrine of the Flood - Hywel R Jones.
- Steroid Hormones & Evolution - David B Gower.
- All at Sea with Faith - Michael B Roberts
- C S Lewis & Evolution - David C C Watson.
- Creation needs Catastrophism - Graham A Fisher.
- Entropy: Fact, Speculation & Fiction - Philip Duce.
- Creationism in Japan - David J Tyler
- Genes-created but Evolving - Chris Darnbrough.
- Rock Strata & the Geological Column - David Watts.
- Image in Embryo - Nigel Cameron.
- Genetic Engineering: Monster or Miracle? - Chris Darnbrough.
- Doctors & Warnock - Pamela F Sims.
- Darwin's Finches - Susan Coleman.
- Review: The Nature of Science: Algeny - J H John Peet.
- Review: Cross-currents - David C C Watson.
- Biblical Creation Accounts & Near Eastern Myths - Noel K Weeks.
- The Anthropic Principle - Jerry B Griffiths.
- Literal or Literary? - Hywel R Jones.
- Survival of Plant Life - Nancy M Darrall.
in plastic folder contains:- 2 Biblical Creation and 1 Origins journals
- Assorted leaflets
- Evolution: Is it Scientific? by Sheena Tyler and Andrew Gough
- BCS Introducory Leaflet
- BCS Publications List.
Cost: 5.00 pounds sterling. Please order using the BCS publications order form.
A5 Booklets
IN THE BEGINNING (A Symposium on the Bible & Creation) - 1980
- Interpreting Genesis 1 to 11 - J G McConville.
- Creature & Creator: Man in the Image of God - Ranald Macaulay.
- Adam in the Epistles of Paul - D A Carson.
- Nature & Supernature: The Biblical Foundations of Science - Edgar H Andrews.
by Gerald H. Duffett.
by E. Brearley.
Available for 0.50 pounds sterling each. Please order using the BCS publications order form.

price £2.80.
Please order using the BCS publications order form.

price £3.50.
Please order using the BCS publications order form.
Cost: 1.50 pounds sterling
Please order using the BCS publications order form.